About us
EUV, soft X-ray and XUV mirrors – made by optiX fab
optiX fab GmbH was founded as a Fraunhofer IOF spin-off on August 1st, 2013.
Located in Jena, the City of Light, optiX fab designs, develops and fabricates EUV illumination and collector optics and coats EUV imaging optics.
optiX fab is currently supplying chipmakers, EUV tool and source manufacturers as well as institutes, universities, synchrotron beamlines and EUV research consortia worldwide with customized multilayer and grazing incidence optics for EUV lithography applications at 13.5 nm and the entire soft X-ray and XUV spectral range from 1 to 100 nm (10 eV to 1 keV).

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
mirrors for 13.5 nm
- optical performance:
R > 65 % @ 13.5 nm, λ = (13.50 ± 0.05) nm, FWHM > 500 pm - mirror geometries:
Ø 1” x 6.35 mm (t), flat or spherical concave, form error: lambda/20 - substrate material:
fused silica
- optical performance:
optimized for requested reflectance, AOI, bandwidth - mirror geometries:
Ø up to 650 mm, flat, spherical concave, spherical convex, cylindrical, toroidal, elliptical, parabolic, form error: up to lambda/50 - substrate material:
fused silica, silicon, ULE, metal
Soft X-ray mirrors
- optical performance:
optimized for requested reflectance, AOI, bandwidth - mirror geometries:
Ø up to 650 mm, flat, spherical concave, spherical convex, cylindrical, toroidal, elliptical, parabolic, form error: up to lambda/50 - substrate material:
fused silica, silicon, ULE, metal
- multilayer mirrors for water window microscopy (2.3 nm … 4.4 nm)
- synchrotron mirrors
- multilayer mirrors for EUV solar missions
XUV mirrors
- optical performance:
optimized for requested reflectance, AOI, bandwidth - mirror geometries:
Ø up to 650 mm, flat, spherical concave, spherical convex, cylindrical, toroidal, elliptical, parabolic, form error: up to lambda/50 - substrate material:
fused silica, silicon, ULE, metal
- multilayer mirrors for high-harmonic generation (HHG)
- multilayer mirrors for EUV solar missions
XUV mirrors
- optical performance:
optimized for requested reflectance, AOI, bandwidth - mirror geometries:
Ø up to 650 mm, flat, spherical concave, spherical convex, cylindrical, toroidal, elliptical, parabolic, form error: up to lambda/50 - substrate material:
fused silica, silicon, ULE, metal
- multilayer mirrors for high-harmonic generation (HHG)
- multilayer mirrors for EUV solar missions
Working at optiX fab.
optiX fab. is a place for inspiration to push physical limits within a growing and highly motivated team.
You have a background in physics or engineering and you are interested in creating EUV/XUV multilayer optics?
We are hiring! We would love to welcome you to our team.
Send your CV to jobs@optixfab.com

optiX fab is honored to be part of KLA’s network of distinguished suppliers and are proud to be recognized with KLA’s Excellence in Technology award.

After two years of intensive planning, construction and reconstruction, optiX fab’s new facilities (2,500 square meters lab and office space, including 250 square meters ISO 5 cleanroom) are fully operational.
Get in touch!
Otto-Schott-Straße 41
07745 Jena | Germany
+49 3641 310580

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